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Hedging, Tree, Shrubs & more
Free Delivery £400+*
Mahonia are evergreen, architectural shrubs which are grown for their handsome foliage. They have yellow, cup-shaped flowers which are beautifully fragranced and spiny-margined leaves. Leaves are grey-green in colour but can be a purple-red when young. Flowers are followed by decorative, purple-black fruits.
Taller shrubs are perfect for use in a shrub border. Low growing species can be used as ground cover to minimise weeding
Mahonia require moderately fertile soil in full or partial shade. If planted in sun the foliage will discolour.
Mahonia do not require regular pruning but should be dead headed after flowering.
Tough all rounder shrub that is very easy to look after
Our plants are expertly grown and cared for, before being sold at excellent prices to retailers and the public.
We are a trusted and respected nursery, with a reputation for producing top-quality plants.
Our team of horticulturists care for our products to ensure happy, healthy plants which are ready for sale.
We want our plants to live a long, healthy life so we’ll advise you about planting on purchase and share tips on our blog.
We supply to Garden Centres, Landscapers, Garden Designers offering exclusive discounts.
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