Free Delivery £400+*
Hedging, Tree, Shrubs & more
Free Delivery £400+*
Are a hybrid of two fabulous foliage plants, Heuchera's and Tiarella's they form large clumps of interesting shaped leaves in a range of pretty colours.
These are semi evergreen perennials and a must have in any garden.
Are the plant for the shaded site, creatingwoodland effets and also excellent companions to hosta and bleeding hearts. (dicentra)
They like a shaded spot but can tolerate some sun. The like well drained soil, as te roots do not like to sit wet.
Once they are established thy can be divided in either autumn or spring, this keeps th clumps looking their best
Our plants are expertly grown and cared for, before being sold at excellent prices to retailers and the public.
We are a trusted and respected nursery, with a reputation for producing top-quality plants.
Our team of horticulturists care for our products to ensure happy, healthy plants which are ready for sale.
We want our plants to live a long, healthy life so we’ll advise you about planting on purchase and share tips on our blog.
We supply to Garden Centres, Landscapers, Garden Designers offering exclusive discounts.
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