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Hedging, Tree, Shrubs & more
Free Delivery £400+*
Helichrysum also known as the curry plant and is a great perennial that should be added to any garden. They have silver grey foliage that is often used in medicines and in spring / summer always followed with brightly coloured flowers.
These thrive in gravel /rockery borders and look fab in pots, where you can appreciate the fragrance
Helichrysum are easy to grow ideally, they want full sun and grow in poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil.
Protect from winter wet and cold drying winds
Dead head the flowers throughout the flowering period.
Our plants are expertly grown and cared for, before being sold at excellent prices to retailers and the public.
We are a trusted and respected nursery, with a reputation for producing top-quality plants.
Our team of horticulturists care for our products to ensure happy, healthy plants which are ready for sale.
We want our plants to live a long, healthy life so we’ll advise you about planting on purchase and share tips on our blog.
We supply to Garden Centres, Landscapers, Garden Designers offering exclusive discounts.
£400.00 away from free* delivery!