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Hedging, Tree, Shrubs & more
Free Delivery £400+*
Fuschia is a fab shrub that is grown for their attractive flowers throughout the summer months. Some varieties even make a beautiful hedge. (in warm areas)
They are perfect for borders, hanging baskets and tubs, a real showstopper especially if they are planted on mass.
If planting out in the garden a sunny or a dapple shade position would be best. They can tolerate most conditions apart from extreme wet or dry.
Feed once a year with a good general-purpose granular feed such as Growmore or Blood, Fish and Bonemeal. Also helps to add a yearly organic matter, this helps reduce water stress and protects the crown.
Continue dead heading the flowers throughout the growing season as this encourages new flowers,
Prune in springtime as you will always get some die during the winter months. Prune back to healthy buds. If you are in a particularly cold area, then you may need to prune all of the shrub back hard.
Our plants are expertly grown and cared for, before being sold at excellent prices to retailers and the public.
We are a trusted and respected nursery, with a reputation for producing top-quality plants.
Our team of horticulturists care for our products to ensure happy, healthy plants which are ready for sale.
We want our plants to live a long, healthy life so we’ll advise you about planting on purchase and share tips on our blog.
We supply to Garden Centres, Landscapers, Garden Designers offering exclusive discounts.
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